Our Services
We all get overwhelmed. There are times when it is hard to breathe, hard to focus, and keep one foot in front of the other. Grief and loss knocks the wind out of us, and we wonder what we should do. In these moments, we just want someone to talk to, someone to be there when we need them, someone to just be present. If you feel like this, please schedule a phone session with us, and let us come alongside you to see how we can best assist you in your time of need.
Grief Coaching
Experience compassionate care that seeks to nurture your growth and foster healing with the support of your grief coach. Our coaching philosophy is centered around understanding and uplifting your unique journey.
Grief Companioning
Engage with compassionate, companioning caregivers who are dedicated to walking with you through life's losses while helping to provide a safe space where you can fully and authentically mourn. We are here to support your journey towards healing and growth. We are here to encourage, but most of all, to listen.
Grief Presence
Encounter a compassionate presence from a caregiver who is also a fellow traveler in healing from the losses in this life. A ministry of presence is a gift, a closeness that will stay with you in your hour of grief and heartbreak.